when first time calling model.get('list') its fetching record from server but second time its fetching from store but i want always response from server.
I am using
Ember js 2.8.3
Ember data 2.8.1
view model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
list:DS.hasMany('list',{async:true, readOnly: true}), //No I18N
route model function is like below
var model = this.modelFor('view').get('list');
return model.reload();
return model;
same model was making server request always in ember data 1.13.8
Thanks in advance for help.
I got the fix of problem .
Instead of model.get('list'), need to use model.hasMany('list').
var model = this.modelFor('view').hasMany('list');
return model.reload();