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Avoid the grid cell to get dirty unless the values is changed

How to avoid the grid cell from become a dirty cell unless the value is changed, when I just touch the time cell , it becomes a dirty cell, how do I avoid that being getting dirty, here's the Fiddle

Here is my grid ,

    name: 'Fiddle',

launch: function () {

var myStore = Ext.create('', {
    storeId: 'simpsonsStore',
    fields: ['busname', 'time', 'typebus',],
    data: [{
        busname: 'ABCD',
        time: '15:30:00',
        typebus: 'AC Volvo',

    }, {
        busname: 'aaa',
        time: '13:30:00',
        typebus: 'Seater',

    }, {
        busname: 'AAAA',
        time: '18:30:00',
        typebus: 'Sleeper',

    }, {
        busname: 'ABCD',
        time: '19:30:00',
        typebus: 'AC Volvo',


var typebusStore = Ext.create('', {
    storeId: 'typeBusStore',
    fields: ['id', 'name'],
    data: [{
        id: 1,
        name: 'AC Volvo'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        name: 'Seater'
    }, {
        id: 3,
        name: 'Sleeper'

Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    xtype: 'gridpanel',
    itemId: 'busTimegrid',
    pageSize: 1,
    title: 'BUS DEATILS',
    mapperId: 'getBusTime',
    columns: [{
        header: 'Bus Name',
        dataIndex: 'busname',
        editor: 'textfield'
    }, {
        text: 'Bus Time',
        dataIndex: 'time',
        xtype: 'gridcolumn',
        renderer: function (value) {
            if (value instanceof Date)
                return, 'H:i:s');
                return value;
        flex: 1,
        editor: {
            xtype: 'timefield',
            format: 'H:i:s',
            allowBlank: true,
            maskRe: /[0-9,:]/,
            listeners: {
                beforeselect: function (timefield, record) {
                    var grid = timefield.up('grid');
                    if ('time', != -1) {
                        Ext.Msg.alert("Bus time already exist.");
                        return false;
    }, {
        header: 'Bus TYpe',
        dataIndex: 'typebus',
        editable: true,
        renderer: function (value) {
                if (value !== null && value.length == 1) {
                    var store = this.getEditor().getStore();
                    return store.findRecord('id', value).get('name');
                return value;
        editor: {
            xtype: 'combo',
            displayField: 'name',
            valueField: 'id',
            editable: true,
    selModel: 'cellmodel',
    plugins: {
        ptype: 'cellediting',
        clicksToEdit: 1,
    height: 200,
    width: 400,
    dockedItems: [{
            xtype: 'toolbar',
            docked: 'bottom',
            items: [{
                xtype: 'button',
                flex: 1,
                text: 'Download to Excel',
                handler: function(b, e) {

    renderTo: Ext.getBody()





  • Try this way - Fiddle

      name: 'Fiddle',
      launch: function() {
    function run() {
      var myStore = Ext.create('', {
        storeId: 'simpsonsStore',
        fields: [{
          name: 'busname',
          type: 'string'
        }, {
          name: 'time',
          type: 'date'
        }, {
          name: 'typebus',
          type: 'string'
        pageSize: 2,
        proxy: {
          type: 'memory',
          enablePaging: true
        data: [{
          busname: 'ABCD',
          time: '2016-03-03 15:30:00',
          typebus: 'AC Volvo',
        }, {
          busname: 'aaa',
          time: '2016-03-03 13:30:00',
          typebus: 'Seater',
        }, {
          busname: 'AAAA',
          time: '2016-03-03 18:30:00',
          typebus: 'Sleeper',
        }, {
          busname: 'ABCD',
          time: '2016-03-03 19:30:00',
          typebus: 'AC Volvo',
        }, ]
      var typebusStore = Ext.create('', {
        storeId: 'typeBusStore',
        fields: ['id', 'name'],
        data: [{
          id: 1,
          name: 'AC Volvo'
        }, {
          id: 2,
          name: 'Seater'
        }, {
          id: 3,
          name: 'Sleeper'
      Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
        xtype: 'gridpanel',
        itemId: 'busTimegrid',
        pageSize: 1,
        title: 'BUS DEATILS',
        mapperId: 'getBusTime',
        columns: [{
          header: 'Bus Name',
          dataIndex: 'busname',
          editor: 'textfield'
        }, {
          xtype: 'datecolumn',
          text: 'Bus Time',
          dataIndex: 'time',
          format: 'H:i:s',
          flex: 1,
          renderer: function(value) {
            return, 'H:i:s');
          editor: {
            xtype: 'timefield',
            format: 'H:i:s',
            allowBlank: true,
            maskRe: /[0-9,:]/
        }, {
          header: 'Bus TYpe',
          dataIndex: 'typebus',
          editable: true,
          renderer: function(value, md, record) {
            var retValue = Array();
            if (Ext.isArray(value)) {
              Ext.each(value, function(id) {
                var ename ='typeBusStore').findRecord('id', id).get('name');
            if (retValue.length > 0) {
              return retValue.join(", ");
            return value;
          editor: {
            xtype: 'combo',
            displayField: 'name',
            valueField: 'id',
            editable: true,
            forceSelection: true,
            multiSelect: true,
            displayTpl: '<tpl for=".">' +
              '{name}' +
              '<tpl if="xindex < xcount">, </tpl>' +
            store: typebusStore
        selModel: 'cellmodel',
        plugins: {
          ptype: 'cellediting',
          clicksToEdit: 1,
        height: 200,
        width: 400,
        dockedItems: [{
          xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
          store: myStore, // same store GridPanel is using
          dock: 'bottom',
          displayInfo: true
        renderTo: Ext.getBody()