When I put the first key/value pair to Vault:
vault write secret/item/33 item_name='item_name'
It works well and I get:
vault read secret/item/33
Key Value
--- -----
refresh_interval 768h0m0s
item_name item_name
But if I want put additional field item_type
vault write secret/item/33 item_type='item_type'
It overwrites existing one:
vault read secret/item/33
Key Value
--- -----
refresh_interval 768h0m0s
item_type item_type
How to write additional field - key/value pair to Vault without replacing existing ones?
You can only store one value per key. (Confirmed by Vault developer) Either you think on a data structure that is suitable and write a long string to this key or you are using a single key for each value which could look as follows:
vault write secret/item/33/name item_name='item_name'
vault write secret/item/33/type item_type='item_type'