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ember render hbs swallowing thrown error

I have a simple component integration test:

test('it throws error my-custom-input is called', function(assert) {
    assert.throws(() => {
    }, /my-custom-input component error/, 'Error must have been thrown');

Source code of component.js is like:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
    init() {
        throw 'my-custom-input component error';

While my ember-cli version was 2.3.0, the test was passing. However, after I've updated my ember-cli version to 2.11.1, the test did not pass. The error was:

    actual: >
    expected: >

Why does ember render start to swallow the thrown exception?


  • Well I am not quite sure why Ember community decided to break the test explained; but here is the fix if anyone needs it.

    You need to install ember-qunit-assert-helpers via

    ember install ember-qunit-assert-helpers

    You need to change your code that throws an exception to Ember.assert and in your test class you just need to use assert.expectAssertion instead of assert.throws.

    The answer is provided from the github issue at the following address.