In a Cyclops React "Try with Resources" block, I would like to map an IOException
to a custom exception type. I have tried this also with Javaslang and seems less fexible since it treats all exceptions the same.
Code example:
private static Try<String, ConnectionError> readString() {
// Socket is a thread-local static field
final Try<String, IOException> string = Try.catchExceptions(IOException.class)
.init(() -> new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.get().getInputStream())))
return string.isSuccess() ? Try.success(string.get()) :
Try.failure(new ConnectionError("Could not read from server", string.failureGet()));
Could this be done in more elegant way? Or does not make any sense and it would be better to return Try<String, IOException>
Disclaimer: I am a newbie using the Cyclops React library and functional programming in general, so I may have severe conceptual miscomprehensions.
Starting with Javaslang 2.1.0 it will be possible to do the following:
Try<String> of = Try.withResources(() -> new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.get().getInputStream())))
Case(instanceOf(IOException.class), ConnectionError::new)
I.e. we added the Try.withResources
functionality and are now able to map a failure.
The mapFailure
method takes a variable amount of match cases. When the exception is not matched (and therefore not mapped), the original exception remains.
I think it makes no sense to include an exception type as part of the Try
signature, e.g. Try<String, IOException>
, because a computation may throw one of several exceptions.
Specifying a set of possible exception types also does not help because the type information gets lost when the compiler computes the upper bound of the generic.
Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Javaslang