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Java, Oracle db - Timezone issues after trunc(nvl) strips timestamp from a datetime object

Trying to fix a bug in our reporting. Currently the issue is as stands:

At 9:45PM on 2/22 in PST someone submits a work order.

It hits our Oracle Database and normalizes to EST (our db is in EST, but we work with clients all over US).

In iReport, we are using the following:

trunc(nvl(ls.date_occurred,ls.date_created)) between TRUNC($P{DATE_FROM}) AND TRUNC($P{DATE_TO})

This STRIPS the timestamp off of the datetime object, so when the report is generated it does not save the hours, only the date which is now 2/23 (at 12:25 AM respectively).

This obviously throws off our reporting feature. All of the data seems to be correct except this date offset that is generated a day after because of the timezone difference, and the adjusted data not having a timestamp asociated with it. Does anyone have another way to adjust for datetime without using a function that strips the timestamp off of the date?


  • Turns out that I need to adjust for the timezone of date_created inside the nvl, because date_occurred is trunced whereas date_created is not. This causes data loss.