I'm trying to create a formula which pulls data from a separate sheet and selects only rows which fulfill a date comparison.
This is what I have at the moment:
=ArrayFormula(if('Complete Staff List'!E2:E < Date(2017;1;1), 'Complete Staff list'!B:C))
So in theory, it should pull all employees who started before 2017.
I understand how ArrayFormula works, but I can't manage to get the 'if' operation to work with it.
If I am interpreting your question correctly, you want to use query
, not arrayformula
In an unused cell with room for results,
=query(B2:E,"select B,C,E where E < date'2017-01-01'")
Dates as criteria in query
are particular. See the section on dates in Google sheets query functuion and examples at More query function examples. From a separate sheet, use a named range to make life easy.