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Puppet - add text in desired place

i want to add, using puppet, text in existing file in desired place. Structure of the file is as follows:


I want to add text between aaa and bbb. For now I have figured out how to add text at the end of the file with:

file { '/home/file.txt': ensure => present, } ->
    file_line { 'Add text to /home/file.txt':
    path => '/home/file.txt',  
    line => 'added_text'

Should I use awk or sed (i saw it somewhere on google) or there is another way?


  • file_line has an after parameter, which you should set to the line you want the text to be inserted after:

    file_line { 'Add text to /home/file.txt':
      path  => '/home/file.txt',
      line  => 'added_text',
      after => 'aaa',

    See the file_line documentation for a full list of supported features.