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Visual Studio Code JS Snippet escape curly bracket

I want to create a Snippet for Javascript in Visual Studio Code, with a placeholder that includes curly brackets, but Visual Studio doesn't seem to track bracket nesting.

My Snippet looks something like this:

"MySnippet": {
    "prefix": "snippet",
    "body": [
        "OuterFunction(() => {",
        "   //code",
        "   ${1:InnerFunction(() =>{",
        "       $2",
        "   },timeout);}",
    "description": "create a thing"

and I expect this output:

OuterFunction(() => {
       InnerFunction(() => {


with the setTimeout Syntax as a placeholder.

Instead I get this:

OuterFunction(() => {
   InnerFunction(() => {


which obviously doesn't work.

I have tried escaping the curly bracket like this \{and this {{ but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a simple way to do this or do I simply have to go with two seperate snippets for the outer and the inner function?


  • Could this work?:

    "MySnippet": {
        "prefix": "snippet",
        "body": [
            "OuterFunction(() => {",
            "   //code",
            "   ${1:InnerFunction(() => { $2 \\}, timeout);}",
        "description": "create a thing"


    OuterFunction(() => {
       InnerFunction(() => {  }, timeout);

    Where InnerFunction(() => { }, timeout); is selected, then inside the brackets after tabbing.