Search code examples

I need to write eloquent query that return messages having specific tag

messages Table
| id |   text   |
|  1 | message1 |
|  2 | message2 |

tags table 

| id |   name    |
|  1 | valentine |
|  2 | funny     |
|  3 | santa     |

| id | message_id | tag_id |
|  1 |          1 |      1 |
|  2 |          2 |      1 |
|  3 |          2 |      2 |

I have written this query so far to get all messages but i cant return the message where tag_id = 1;

    ])->select("id", "text")->paginate(10);

i have used where clause inside function($q){$q->where('tag_id',1)}. but it didn't worked.


  • You have to include use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; at the top of class

    $tagId = 1; 
    $return = DB::table('message_tag')
                ->join('messages', '', '=', 'message_tag.message_id')
                ->join('tags', '', '=', 'message_tag.tag_id')
                ->where("message_tag.tag_id", "=", $tagId)
                ->select('messages.text', 'tags.text')