I found difference between json-data created by JavaScipt and via jq
with bash (and other programming languages). With JavaScript I can create decimal numbers with up to six digits after the point, even when I use float()
. But with jq
its different, because adding a decimal value takes four digits after the decimal point only.
My problem is that I need decimal numbers to store in SQL, with up to six digits after the point.
$ JSON='{"decimal":0.00001}'
$ echo "$JSON" | jq .
"decimal": 1e-05
My goal is to validate the decimal with this line ...
if [[ "$TMP_DECIMAL" =~ ^[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$ ]] ; then
Any tip / suggsestion ?
You can't change jq
's behavior -- at present date, relevant feature requests are still open -- but you can reformat your numbers after they've been retrieved. For example:
decimal=$(jq '.decimal' <<<"$json")
decimal_f=$(awk -v decimal="$decimal" 'BEGIN { printf("%f\n", decimal) }' </dev/null)
echo "JQ emitted $decimal; reformatted as $decimal_f"