I am trying to load the full follower list on my instagram using iMacros. I have tried all the conventional recording mode, but it doesn't seem to be loading/scrolling to the entire follower list.
I also tried the javascript scrollby command which actually works on the website itself, but it doesn't work on the "Follower List" part of the page.. :(
URL GOTO=javascript:window.scrollBy(0,20000)
This is the element i am trying to get to load:
I am basically just trying to load the entire follower list, so that iMacros is able to see the full list and then scrape the data from it.
For Instagram (Facebook, Twitter etc.) web pages it's better always to use the 'EVENT' scrolling. Regarding your issue I mean something like this:
EVENT TYPE=CLICK SELECTOR="div[class='_4gt3b']" BUTTON=0
EVENT TYPE=KEYPRESS SELECTOR="div[class='_4gt3b']" KEY=35