I'm trying to create a copy of image on keypress. The problem is when I .push the copy to my array of object to change css left top position doesn't work. I think the ng-repeat is still loading the html. Is there a way to have promise or something else to make copy of image, and change the css after ng-repeat add my new object?
$scope.changed = function (keyevent, item, id) {
switch (keyevent.keyCode) {
case 68:
if (keyevent.ctrlKey) {
left = $('#' + id).css("left").slice(0, -2);
top = $('#' + id).css("top").slice(0, -2);
item.duplicate = true;
item = angular.copy(item);
itemId = $scope.items.push(item);
imagePosition(itemId - 1, left, top);
function imagePosition(id, left, top) {
$("#" + id).css({left: left, top: top});
To solve my problem I used ng-style="getStyle($index,item)" and I call a function. Any time I push new object to the array, ng repeat call the getStyle. My object have some properies to my css style.
<div style="margin-left: 20px;" ng-repeat="item in template.list2">
<img ng-click="setBorder($index,true)" ng-focus="setBorder($index,true)" ng-blur="setBorder($index,false)"
ng-style="<%getStyle($index,item)%>" id="<%$index%>" ng-keydown="changed($event,item,$index,this)" tabindex="<%$index%>" ng-show="item.link"
src="<% item.link %>"
data-jqyoui-options="{revert: 'invalid',snap:true,snapTolerance:15,zIndex:999,snapMode:'inner'}"
jqyoui-draggable="{index: <%$index%>,placeholder:true,animate:true}"/>
$scope.changed = function (keyevent, item, id) {
switch (keyevent.keyCode) {
case 68:
if (keyevent.ctrlKey) {
left = parseInt($('#' + id).css("left").slice(0, -2));
top = parseInt($('#' + id).css("top").slice(0, -2));
item.left = left;
item.top = top;
item.duplicate = true;
item = angular.copy(item);
Notification.success("Imagem duplicada com sucesso!");
$scope.getStyle = function (index, item) {
var top = item.top + 20;
var left = item.left +20;
var css = {
"left":+ left + 'px',
"top": + top + 'px',
"height": item.height + 'px',
"width": item.width + 'px',
'z-index': 999
var css = {
"float": 'left',
"left": (item.width * index + 5) + "px",
"height": item.height,
"width": item.width,
"display": 'inline-block'
return css;