I'm using Logstash to send log data to Elasticsearch (of course), but some of my end users also want the data sent to a secondary csv file so they can do their own processing. I am trying to use an environment variable to determine if we need to output to a secondary file and if so, where that file should live.
My Logstash looks like this:
input {
. . .
filter {
. . .
output {
elasticsearch {
. . .
if "${SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE:noval}" != "noval" {
csv {
fields => . . .
path => "${ SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE:noval}"
When SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE has a value, it works fine. When it does not, Logstash writes csv output to a file named "noval". My conclusion is that the if statement is not working correctly with the environment variable.
I'm using Logstash version 2.3.2 on a Windows 7 machine.
Any suggestions or insights would be appreciated.
Actually that is a very good question, there is still an ongoing enhancement opened on this topic on github, as mentioned by IrlJidel on the issue, a workaround to the issue would be:
mutate {
add_field => { "[@metadata][SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE]" => "${SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE:noval}" }
if [@metadata][SECONDARY_OUTPUT_FILE] != "noval" {
csv {
fields => . . .