I'd like to know what is the best practice to execute background task in c#?
For example, in my application I have a save() function, and when I execute this function, I'd like to run another task in background - in my case, using google maps geocoder to convert address in lat/lng.
I suggest that you collect and/or calculate all the information you need to save before you save it.
Consider this: If the conversion from address to lat/lng fails. Should the Save()
method actually save the object or not?
I would recommend that you put that logic somewhere else than in the Save()
You could do like this:
// example object
private ObjectToSave PrepareObjectForPersistance()
return new ObjectToSave { LatLng = await ConvertAddressToLatLng(address) };
Then pass the object you want to save to the Save() method:
public void Save(ObjectToSave obejctToSave)
// Do whatever has to be done to save your object