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How to inject mobx store into a stateless component

I am using mobx and react in a web application and I want to find a way to pass mobx store state to a stateless component. Below is my current component source code:

import React from 'react';
import Panel from './Panel';
import {inject, observer} from 'mobx-react';

@inject(allStores => ({
export default class Creator extends React.Component {

  connect() {

  render() {
    return (
      <Panel form={this.props.form} connect={this.connect.bind(this)}/>

How can I change it to be stateless? I tried below code but didn't work:

const Creator = ({form}) => {

  const connect = ()=>{
    console.log('xxxx,', form);

  return (
    <Panel form={form} connect={connect}/>

export default observer(Creator);

when I run above code, I got undefined value for form on the connect method. How can I inject the store into stateless component? I tried to use @inject on top of stateless component, but got a syntax error.


  • inject returns a function that you can use on a observer functional component:

    var Example = inject("myStore")(observer((props) => {
      // ...