I am using cytoscape.js and the cola extension and I am interested in creating a layout similar to this example.
There is an example of using cola with cytoscape.js on the website, but they do not have this non-overlapping functionality.
I tried the infinite:true option, but it does not appear to work as expected. I am wondering how this is achieved with cytoscape.js and cola.
Use the infinite: true
parameter as you first tried. You will also want the fit: false
parameter in order to be able to zoom and pan.
For example:
var cy = cytoscape({
container: $('#cy'),
elements: /*...*/,
layout: {
name: 'cola',
infinite: true,
fit: false
I made a working example here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/EWEOKw (you need to load in HTTP: I did not find an HTTPS CDN for cola...)