I'm going to write a simple DirectShow
capture source filter to use with i.e. Skype. I have some parameters I want to expose to the users. Of course I might create a separate exe that sets something into the Windows registry... but I wonder if there is a way to "attach" this property page to the "webcam settings" button always present in applications which uses video inputs.
What does that button actually invokes?
Is there a standard and documented way to implement this?
Every source filter can expose property page(s) to the consuming application. You need to implement the ISpecifyProperyPages interface. For more details and examples you can check this MSDN page: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375010(v=vs.85).aspx C++ DirectShow classes also offer you a base class for the actual property page implementation: CBasePropertyPage.