I want to find WebElement in a List<WebElements>
by text. My method has such arguments: List<WebElement> webElements, String text
. For matching text I prefer to use javaslang library. So, what we have:
protected WebElement findElementByText(List<WebElement> webelements, String text) {
Using javaslang I wrote such simple matching:
Case(text, webElement),
Case($(), () -> {
throw nw IllegalArgumentException(webElement.getText() + " does not match " + text);
I do not understand how in good way to write a loop for finding WebElement in a List<WebElemnt>
by text. Thank you guys for help.
I suggest to do it like this:
// using javaslang.collection.List
protected WebElement findElementByText(List<WebElement> webElements, String text) {
return webElements
.find(webElement -> Objects.equals(webElement.getText(), text))
.getOrElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("No WebElement found containing " + text));
// using java.util.List
protected WebElement findElementByText(java.util.List<WebElement> webElements, String text) {
return webElements
.filter(webElement -> Objects.equals(webElement.getText(), text))
.orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("No WebElement found containing " + text));
Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Javaslang