I have a little question, why if I do a Query on table SecurityRole with join other table, when i get the value from field SecurityRole.Name I have only the Label (look like @SYS...) and I have to convert.
SecurityRole securityRole;
SecurityUserRole UserRole;
SysUserInfo userInfo;
OMUserRoleOrganization roleOrganization;
OMInternalOrganization internalOrganization;
while select ID from userInfo
order by id asc
outer join UserRole
where UserRole.User == userInfo.Id
outer join securityRole
where securityRole.RecId == UserRole.SecurityRole
outer join roleOrganization
where roleOrganization.User == userInfo.Id
&& roleOrganization.SecurityRole == UserRole.SecurityRole
outer join internalOrganization
where internalOrganization.RecId == roleOrganization.OMInternalOrganization
print userInfo.Id, userInfo.Email, SysLabel::labelId2String(securityRole.Name), internalOrganization.Name ? internalOrganization.Name : "All Company";
If I do a simple Query like this :
while select securityRole
info (strfmt("%1", securityRole.Name)); // here I have the really value filed - NOT the label
So, my question is this : why if I do a query on securityRole with join I will have a label from field Name.
I know, there is a way to get the value from label (SysLabel::labelId2String2(. .. )
) , but for me it's better to get the really value from Table's field.
There is a way to get always the really field value (That shown in Table)?
If you explicitly specify the field list in your select clause, you'll get the name of the role, not the label:
outer join Name from securityRole
instead of
outer join securityRole