I would like to add a custom menu button to the object tree context menu of Pimcore 4.3.1, for example before the copy button:
I think the best solution would be a custom plugin: https://www.pimcore.org/docs/latest/Extending_Pimcore/Plugin_Developers_Guide/Plugin_Backend_UI.html
In the 'pimcoreReady' function of the plugin I am able to extend for example the main navigation and adding custom buttons... But I can't find anything about extending the object tree...
I already looked at /pimcore/static/js/pimcore/object/tree.js where the original menu is created, but can'f find anything useful.
The approach using a custom plugin will work. The docs you mentioned, https://www.pimcore.org/docs/latest/Extending_Pimcore/Plugin_Developers_Guide/Plugin_Backend_UI.html, shows a list of available javascript events.
The prepare*TreeContextMenu
events are specifically ment to modify the context menu in the tree panels. You can execute a function for this event by simply adding it to you plugin class in the same way you did with the pimcoreReady
event, like so:
pimcore.plugin.myplugin = Class.create(pimcore.plugin.admin, {
prepareObjectTreeContextMenu: function (menu, treeClass, object) {
// Modify ext menu
text: "My Button",
iconCls: "pimcore_icon_copy",
handler: function () {
console.log('Clicked menu button');