My code is here:
I need to use this computed property: "postsFiltered" with both Category and Search but when I change category on clickCategory() I need to reset the search text (if present).
But then the computed property is already called? No?
And the same when I search something I need to reset category to null.
postsFiltered: Ember.computed('category', 'search', function () {
var posts = this.get('posts');
var search = this.get('search');
console.log('computed postsFiltered() with category: ' + this.get('category') + ', search: ' + search);
return posts.filter((item) => item['categoryId'] === this.get('category'));
// or this when I search, but I don't know how to do one or the other:
// return posts.filter((item) => item['name'].includes(search));
How to handle two properties in the same computed property?
You need to introduce search:'',
in controller, and pass it down to posts component {{my-posts posts=posts category=category search=search}}
and your clickCategory
should reset search property when category clicked
clickCategory(categoryId) {
this.set('category', categoryId);
This will ensure that you are following Data Down Actions Up strategy. twiddle
categoryPosts: Ember.computed('posts.[]','category', function(){ return this.get('posts').filter(post => post.categoryId === this.get('category')); }),