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reversed polish giving wrong answer

I need to make calculator that takes infix expression and uses rpn to evaluate it.

Java code:

public RpnCalculator() {


public float eval(float arg1, float arg2, String operator) {
    switch (operator) {
        case PLUS:
            return arg1 + arg2;
        case MINUS:
            return arg2 - arg1;
        case MULTIPLICATION:
            return arg1 * arg2;
        case DIVISION:
            return arg2 / arg1;
            return 0;

public String evaluateInfixExpression(String expression) {
    Stack<String> operators = new Stack<>();
    String[] args = expression.split(SPACE);
    Stack<String> values = new Stack<>();

    for (String arg : args) {
        if (isANumber(arg)) {
        if (operators.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (precedence(arg) <= precedence(operators.peek())) {
            float result = eval(Float.parseFloat(values.pop()), Float.parseFloat(values.pop()), operators.pop());
        } else if (precedence(arg) > precedence(operators.peek())) {

    while (!operators.isEmpty()) {
        float result = eval(Float.parseFloat(values.pop()), Float.parseFloat(values.pop()), operators.pop());

    return expression;

public int precedence(String operator){
    if (operator.equals(PLUS) || operator.equals(MINUS)){
        return 1;
    return 2;


public boolean isANumber(String number) {
    if (number.matches("-?\\d+")) {
        return true;
    return false;


and it works well, except it gives wrong answers sometimes... It seems for me i'am following the shunting yard algorithm principles, but as you can see I don't actually convert infix to postfix but I try to evaluate arguments on the go, and maybe that is a problem.

For example the expression -2 + 6 * 8 / 3 * 18 - 33 / 3 - 11 evaluates to 286 instead of 264. There should be some mistake I am not able to notice, and it's been two days already so please help me. Also I read whole lot of threads about RPN here on stack, but it seems that everybody has different problem with it so I didn't find an answer for my case.

Thank you.


  • Here is a concise solution to do the calculation on the fly:

    public class RpnCalculator {
        public static Float evaluateInfixExpression(String inflixExpression) {
            Stack<Float> operands = new Stack<>();
            Stack<Operator> operators = new Stack<>();
            for (String token : inflixExpression.split("\\s")) {
                if (isOperator(token)) {
                    while (!operators.isEmpty() && operators.peek().hasHigherPrecedenceThan(token))
                        operands.add(eval(operands.pop(), operands.pop(), operators.pop()));
                } else {
                    operands.add(new Float(token));
            while (!operators.isEmpty())
                operands.add(eval(operands.pop(), operands.pop(), operators.pop()));
            return operands.pop();
        private static Float eval(float arg2, float arg1, Operator operator) {
            switch (operator) {
                case ADD:
                    return arg1 + arg2;
                case SUBTRACT:
                    return arg1 - arg2;
                case MULTIPLY:
                    return arg1 * arg2;
                case DIVIDE:
                    return arg1 / arg2;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operator not supported: " + operator);

    And the Operator class:

    public enum Operator {
        ADD(1), SUBTRACT(1), MULTIPLY(2), DIVIDE(2);
        final int precedence;
        Operator(int p) { precedence = p; }
        private static Map<String, Operator> ops = new HashMap<String, Operator>() {{
            put("+", Operator.ADD);
            put("-", Operator.SUBTRACT);
            put("*", Operator.MULTIPLY);
            put("/", Operator.DIVIDE);
        public static Operator fromString(String token){
            return ops.get(token);
        public static boolean isOperator(String token) {
            return ops.containsKey(token);
        public boolean hasHigherPrecedenceThan(String token) {
            return isOperator(token) && this.precedence >= fromString(token).precedence;