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Excel VBA Loop function for all cells

Hi i have function to extract from polish personal identity number to birth date. But function only works in current cell . How modify code to execute all cells from A2 - end of worksheet.


B2 - cell code



  • I think you are trying to copy the formula from B2 all the way down to the cells in column A that have an input. I think this should do what you are looking for. I am assuming it is on Sheet 1, if it is not you can alter the code.

    'Defines the parameter to count the rows being used in column A
        lRow = Sheet1.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
    'Creates the formula for column B
    Sheet1.Range("B2") = "=IF(VALUE(MID(A2;3;2))>20;""20""&LEWY(A2;2);""19""&LEWY(A2;2))&MOD(MID(A2;3;2);20)&MID(A2;5;2)"
    'Copies and paste the formulas down to the last rows for column B in Sheet 1
        Sheet1.Range("B3:B" & lRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas