I'm writing a REST service client using the Jax-RS. For a request I'd like to add query parameters. The according method in Jax-RS is webTarget.queryParam(name, value)
returning a new WebTarget instance (so webtarget is immutable).
Further, I have a stream of name-value-pairs: Stream<Tuple<String,String>> queryParams
with a varying number of elements.
Now I'd like to repeatedly apply the parameters from the stream to the queryParam()
method, using the result as invocation target on the next application:
As rolled out invocation it would look like this:
WebTarget original = ...
WebTaragt wt1 = original.queryParam(t1.name,t1.value);
WebTaragt wt2 = wt1.queryParam(t2.name,t2.value);
WebTarget wtFinal = wtNminus1.queryParam(tN.name,tN.value);
Is there a way to efficiently implement this as pure function?
I can not yet make a statement about the efficiency, but, you may want to look into Stream.reduce
. The following solution assumes that you have at least one WebTarget
which you can use to carry out the reduction. Moreover I this solution doesn't allow parallelization (for that an appropriate combiner would be needed and I do not know how the WebTarget
s need to be combined).
Stream<Tuple<String, String>> queryParamStream = ...
WebTarget wtFinal = queryParamStream.reduce(original,
(webtarget, tuple) -> webtarget.queryParam(tuple.name, tuple.value),
(webtarget1, webtarget2) -> /* what would be needed to combine those when you use a parallel stream? */ webtarget2);