I'm a newbie in html and javascripts, and trying to save my draggable div positions after clicking save button in my web application. my question is little bit different with others that I'm using Websocket for getting data
Here is my draggable divs which is creating from websocket in javascript code
function WebSocket(){
if ("WebSocket" in window){
var channel = "hello";
var socket = io.connect("my socket address here");
socket.on(channel, function (d) {
var data = JSON.parse(d);
console.log(channel + " : " + d);
var theDiv = document.getElementById(data.node_info[1].info.mac);
if(theDiv == null) {
var divTag = document.createElement("div");
divTag.id = data.node_info[1].info.mac; //"drag1"
divTag.className = "draggable js-drag";
divTag.innerHTML = data.node_info[1].info.mac;
socket.on('crc_err', function(packet){
console.log("crc_err : " + packet);
socket.on('type_err', function(packet){
console.log("type_err : " + packet);
} else{
// The browser doesn't support WebSocket
// alert("WebSocket NOT supported by your Browser!");
I created divTags with id, className, innerHTML
and each of them shows mac addresses and put them in the body of html.
Also, I want those draggable divs is positioned in same places as last time when users revisit my web app.
How should I do and any suggestions here??
Thanks in advance.
p.s If you need my css code or more code of html I can EDIT
Use localStorage
To save
localStorage.setItem(divTag.id + '-X', leftPosition);
localStorage.setItem(divTag.id + '-Y', topPosition);
To load back
divTag.style.left = localStorage.getItem(divTag.id + '-X') + 'px';
divTag.style.top = localStorage.getItem(divTag.id + '-Y') + 'px';