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mvnpdf() yields SIGMA mustbe a aquare, symetric, positive definite matrix

I have a matrix:

sigma=[0.1085 0.1085 0.1085;
       0.1085 0.1085 0.1085;
       0.1085 0.1085 0.1085];

I am reciving the following errpr: SIGMA mustbe a aquare, symetric, positive definite matrix for the e line:


As best I can understand from here this unsweres the demands. Am I correct? If so what is the problem here?


  • The problem is sigma is not positive definite. To verify this, use the code provided here.

    >> sigma=[0.1085 0.1085 0.1085;
           0.1085 0.1085 0.1085;
           0.1085 0.1085 0.1085];
    >> [~,p] = chol(sigma)
    p =