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Write array of struct using TwinCAT.Ads through application

I’m using TwinCAT.Ads (TwinCAT 3) for Beckhoff plc communication through application. Application is reading and writing few plc variables. I need to write in an array of struct.

My struct :

Friend Structure Struct_Recette
    Dim nNumProg As Integer             ' Programme associated
    Dim nNumZone As Integer             ' Zone
    Dim nNumManifold As Integer         ' Manifold
    Dim nNumRallonge As Integer         ' Rallonge
    Dim nNumSaphir As Integer           ' Saphir
    Dim nNumMors As Integer             ' Mors
End Structure

My Plc :

valTabRecette:      ARRAY [0..15] OF Struct_Recette;

My Code :

Friend Sub ValidationMPodeProd(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnValidProd.Click
    Dim valTabRecette(0 To 15) As Struct_Recette

    'Some code to fill the structs

        ADS.WriteAny(PLCHandle, valTabRecette)
    End If
End Sub

I Have the error when I launch this :

0x705 parameter size not correct    

I resolve the problem :
The type are not the same in and Beckhoff          Beckhoff 
int        =      Dint
short      =      int


So the parameters of my struct had not the good type


  • A reference for those who are having similar problems: The difference in data type for TwinCAT and VB can be found in Beckhoff website:

    TwinCAT is using IEC61131-3 standard.