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MudDialog is unresponsive when opened from an external class

I am trying to open a simple dialog with two MudButtons.

The dialog component:

        <MudText>Cost or Foreign Cost?</MudText>
            OnClick="() => MudDialog.Close(DialogResult.Ok(false))">
            OnClick="() => MudDialog.Close(DialogResult.Ok(true))">
                Foreign Cost

@code {
    MudDialogInstance MudDialog { get; set; }

I have a method in my Index.razor page that opens the dialog.

protected internal async Task<bool> ColumnDialog()
    bool result = false;
    await InvokeAsync(async () =>
        var Dialog = DialogService.ShowAsync<Components.Dialogs.ASNColumnDialog>("", new(), new() { DisableBackdropClick = true, CloseOnEscapeKey = false });
        var Result = await Dialog.Result;
        result = (bool)Result.Data;

    return result;

When calling the method through a button's onclick, the dialog opens and the buttons works as expected.

But when I call the method through an external class, the buttons are unresponsive.

I'm calling the method in the class like so:

var res = _indexPage.ColumnDialog().Result;

_indexPage is the Index.razor instance I have passed to my class

Any ideas why the dialog buttons are unresponsive? Does it have anything to do with the context in which the dialog is being opened? TIA


  • Turns out I was blocking the UI thread by using Task.Result, therefore not allowing it to respond to the dialog's button clicks.

    I modified the call to var res = await _indexPage.ColumnDialog() and everything worked as expected.