Please explain how to add ImageJ plugin in eclipse ?
I download the
I have linux on my PC and I don't know hot to configure eclipse to support ImageJ plugin.
And if you have a simply code example please share it with me :D
Is necessary to install another library or another plugins?
Please share with me link for download correct version for ImageJ and another plugin if is necessary;
All ImageJ components are Maven projects. You can simply import them using File > Import..., then Maven > Existing Maven Projects.
Also, if you only want to develop (or contribute to) a plugin, it is not necessary to import the ImageJ source code, as Maven will take care of managing your dependencies. See the example-imagej-command
and example-legacy-plugin
projects on github for starting points to develop a new plugin.
For detailed documentation, please refer to the ImageJ wiki page on Eclipse.
If you have more ImageJ-related questions, I recommend asking on the ImageJ forum.