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How to get cookies in CEF + MFC?

I'm integrating CEF with my MFC application (I'm following this tutorial) and i don't know how to get the request cookies, i'm trying in the OnBeforeBrowse method but still no success i also tried in the OnResourceResponse but i only manage to get some cookies inside the response.

A couple beginner questions: What the GetFirstPartyForCookies method does? i read the documentation and still didn't understood. Was i supose to use the CefCookieManager? i thought i should use the VisitAllCookies method but the visitor parameter can't be empty it gives me an Assertion, i'm trying:

CefRefPtr<CefCookieManager> manager = CefCookieManager::GetGlobalManager(NULL);
CefRefPtr<CefCookieVisitor> visitor;


Any help or hint will be appreciated.


  • Found this answer on the CEF forum.

    To retrieve the cookie i must create my own class derived from CefCookieVisitor and then call VisitAllCookies

    CefRequestHandler::ReturnValue ClientHandler::OnBeforeResourceLoad(CefRefPtr< CefBrowser > browser,
        CefRefPtr< CefFrame > frame,
        CefRefPtr< CefRequest > request,
        CefRefPtr< CefRequestCallback > callback)
        auto strURL = request->GetURL();
        CefRefPtr<CefCookieManager> manager = CefCookieManager::GetGlobalManager(NULL);
        CefRefPtr<MyCookieVisitor> visitor = new MyCookieVisitor();
        return RV_CONTINUE;