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Erlang: mnesia weird table state after stop/start

Here is the relevent portion of my code

 N = node(),

 %set MNesia dir
 application:set_env(mnesia, dir, "/var/mnesia/"),
 %dont check status here, OK if already exists
 %stop if running, can't create schema if it is
 %start MNesia, assert it works
 ok = mnesia:start(), %start MNesia, bomb if alreay started, should not happen
 lager:info("Mnesia started"),

 case mnesia:create_table(application,  [{attributes, record_info(fields, application)}, {disc_copies, [N]}]) of
     {aborted,{already_exists,application}} ->
         lager:info("Application table already exists");
     {atomic,ok} -> 
         lager:info(io_lib:format("Created application table on ~s", [N]))

 erlang:display(mnesia:table_info(application, all)),

 {atomic, Apps} = mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(application, {application, '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_'    , '_', '_'}, read) end),

When I start my application for the very first time, everything is ok:

14:34:57.736 [info] Mnesia started
14:34:57.736 [info] Application mnesia started on node cdapbroker@6371550eb22c
14:34:57.802 [info] Created application table on cdapbroker@6371550eb22c

When I STOP and then START my application again, It shows the application table details but then in the next line claims it doesn't exist!

14:36:44.168 [info] Mnesia started
14:36:44.168 [info] Application mnesia started on node cdapbroker@6371550eb22c
14:36:44.169 [info] Application table already exists
14:36:44.178 [error]
Error Stacktrace:
application_master:start_it_old/4 line 273
cdapbroker_app:start/2 line 65
14:36:44.179 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.145.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: {badmatch,{aborted,{no_exists,application}}} in application_master:init/4 line 134
14:36:44.179 [info] Application cdapbroker exited with reason: {badmatch,{aborted,{no_exists,application}}}

Eshell V8.2.1 (abort with ^G)

I'm trying to have my table persist after stop start but I don't understand the above.


  • This was a timing problem. I think the MNesia error could be more specific..

    I had to add:

    ok = mnesia:wait_for_tables([application], 30000),

    I guess when the table is created (on first start) the table is available immediately, but after a stop/start it wasn't "ready yet".