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After Upgrading to 1.6, Angular error messages aren't showing

I upgraded my large app from 1.4 to 1.6 recently. Ever since the upgraded, some extremely helpful debug/error messages aren't showing.

For example, if I forget an injection, there's no error message, however the app won't load.

If I try to do any large changes, my app won't load because of some angular-centric issue, but I normally won't be able to find the issue since there's no console message.

Edit I'm also not getting error messages for circular dependencies. The app just won't load in this case, either.


  • We finally figured this out ourselves. Thought I'd come back and share.

    We had to modify a config on the main module. Here's the code example. Give it a try. Unless you figured out something else.

        var myApp = angular.module('myApp');
    myApp.config(['$qProvider', function ($qProvider) {