I have a Flot chart that shows date in x axis tick labels, but is showing labels between points. I want to show the x axis tick labels only when I have values (points). Is this possible?
And below is my code:
sin.push([dataToTimestamp('01/03/2017'), 60000]);
sin.push([dataToTimestamp('02/03/2017'), 70000]);
sin.push([dataToTimestamp('03/03/2017'), 50000]);
cos.push([dataToTimestamp('01/03/2017'), 50000]);
cos.push([dataToTimestamp('02/03/2017'), 80000]);
cos.push([dataToTimestamp('03/03/2017'), 70000]);
var line_data1 = {
data: sin,
color: "#3c8dbc"
var line_data2 = {
data: cos,
color: "#00c0ef"
$.plot("#line-chart", [line_data1, line_data2], {
grid: {
hoverable: true,
borderColor: "#f3f3f3",
borderWidth: 1,
tickColor: "#f3f3f3"
series: {
shadowSize: 0,
lines: {
show: true
points: {
show: true
lines: {
fill: false,
color: ["#3c8dbc", "#f56954"]
yaxis: {
show: true,
xaxis: {
show: true,
mode: "time",
//timeformat:"%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S",
//tickSize: [4, 'hour']
You can try to use
tickSize: [1, 'day']
in the xaxis
options or specify the ticks directly yourself with
ticks: [dataToTimestamp('01/03/2017'), dataToTimestamp('02/03/2017'), dataToTimestamp('03/03/2017')]
See the documentation for more help.