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VBA code in MS Outlook 2007 to create custom popup alert

I want to create a custom popup alert in MS Outlook 2007, that appears on click of the "Send" button. It should have 2 choices : Yes and no. On clicking "Yes", I want the system to open a particular excel sheet.

Is this possible by adding a VBA code snippet to my Outlook desktop client? I do not know how to go about achieving this. Any lead is appreciated.


  • Work with Application.ItemSend Event and simple MsgBox Function

    Also look at this answer Finding a workbook in one of multiple Excel instances

    Example Code goes under ThisOutlookSession

    Public WithEvents olApp As Outlook.Application
    Private Sub Application_Startup()
        Set olApp = Outlook.Application
    End Sub
    Private Sub olApp_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
        Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
        Dim xlBook As Workbook
        Dim Prompt As String
        Prompt = "Open Excel File?"
        If MsgBox(Prompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
                                "Sample") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
            Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
            Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open( _
            xlApp.Visible = True
        End If
        Set xlApp = Nothing
        Set Book = Nothing
    End Sub