struct my
my(){ std::cout<<"Default";}
my(const my& m){ std::cout<<"Copy";}
~my(){ std::cout<<"Destructor";}
int main()
my m(); //1
my n(my()); //2
Expected output :
1 ) Default
2 ) Copy
Actual output :
What's wrong with my understanding of the constructor invoking mechanism?
I have omitted header files for brevity.
Case 1)
is interpreted as a function return my
and taking no arguments.
To see the expected output remove ()
i.e use my m;
Case 2)
This is something better known as the "Most vexing parse".
is interpreted as a function returning my
that takes an argument of type pointer to function returning my
taking no arguments.
To see the expected output in this case try my n((my()));
[Instead of treating as an argument specification as in the former case the compiler would now interpret it as an expression because of the extra ()
My interpretation:
my n((my()))
is equivalent to my n = my()
. Now the rvalue expression my()
creates a temporary[i.e a call to the default constructor] and n
is copy initialized to that temporary object[no call to the copy-ctor because of some compiler optimization]
P.S: I am not 100% sure about the last part of my answer. Correct me if I am wrong.