I have a class, that use ebean in Java Play Framework.
I try use Expression Expr.Or()
and I want to return type is PageList<News>
@Table(name = "news")
public class News extends Model {
@Column(name = "news_id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
public Long newsId; // ID
@Column(name = "title")
public String title; // タイトル
@Column(name = "article")
public String article; // 記事内容
@Column(name = "view_count")
public Integer viewCount = 0; // 閲覧数
@Column(name = "category")
public Integer category; // 1:キャリア 2: スキル 3:テクノロジー
@Column(name = "state")
public Boolean state = false; // 状況 false:下書き true: 公開
@Column(name = "recommend")
public Boolean recommend = false; // おすすめ false:なし true:おすすめ
@Column(name = "created")
public Date created; // 登録び
@Column(name = "modified")
public Date modified; // 更新日
@Column(name = "image")
public String image; // 画像
@Column(name = "is_deleted")
public Boolean isDeleted = false;
In Play Ebean, I want to find news like query
WHERE title LIE '%?%'
OR article LIKE '%?%'
OR category LIKE '%?%'
OR state = ?
OR recommend = '?
OR created = '?
So, how I can write code. I try use Expression Expr.Or()
but Expression Expr.Or()
but this can use only two expressions.
Please help me.
Try nested Expr.or() statements
Expr.or( Expr.like("title", "%?%"), Expr.like("article", "%?%")),
Expr.or(Expr.like("category", "%?%"),Expr.like("state","?"))