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Lsmeans package in R - degrees of freedom with lme models

I have a question regarding the degrees of freedom that are used by the lsmeans package in the case of a linear mixed model built with the nlme package.

Here is an example to illustrate my question based on the Oats dataset. I am not trying to discuss if this model is relevant given the dataset, I am just trying to reproduce an issue I had with another dataset ;-).

Oats.lme <- lme(yield ~ Variety, random = ~1 | Block, data = Oats)

With the anova, I obtain the expected 64 degrees of freedom.

numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1    64 245.1409  <.0001
Variety         2    64   1.6654  0.1972

Then I use the lsmeans function:

lsmeans(Oats.lme, list(poly ~ Variety))

and I obtain

$`lsmeans of Variety`
Variety       lsmean       SE df lower.CL upper.CL
Golden Rain 104.5000 7.680866  5 84.75571 124.2443
Marvellous  109.7917 7.680866  5 90.04737 129.5360
Victory      97.6250 7.680866  5 77.88071 117.3693

Confidence level used: 0.95

$`polynomial contrasts of contrast`
contrast   estimate       SE df t.ratio p.value
linear     -6.87500  6.68529 64  -1.028  0.3076
quadratic -17.45833 11.57926 64  -1.508  0.1365

For the contrasts, I obtain the same 64 df, but for the lsmeans themselves, I have only 5 df. I also use SAS, and for the same kind of models, I have the same number of df for both lsmeans and contrasts (which would be 64 with the current example).

I have seen that it might be possible to change degrees of freedom when using the lme4 package, but my code is embedded in an internally-developed tool that is based on nlme, so I am basically stuck with nlme.

Would anyone now why this happens and if this is possible to change it? Or am I missing something?

Update - Initial error message

I initially noticed these reduced degrees of freedom for the lsmeans in one specific case, where my random run effect only had 2 levels, and when I was interested in a Dunnett’s adjustment. Since I am more interested in contrasts than in lsmeans, now that I understood where it comes from, I can still work with it, but I put it there just in case someone has the same error and wants to know why.

I reproduced it below with the Oats data example. The error I obtain happens in the lsmeans:::.qdunnx function and is due to the df for the lsmeans being at 1.

Oats.lme <- lme(yield ~ Variety, random = ~1 | Block, data = subset(Oats,Block %in% c("I","II")))
lsm <- lsmeans(Oats.lme, trt.vs.ctrl ~ Variety)
summary(lsm,adjust = "dunnettx", infer = c(T, T), level = 0.95)

And here is the result

Variety      lsmean       SE df  lower.CL upper.CL
Golden Rain 123.250 15.88642  1 -78.60608 325.1061
Marvellous  125.500 15.88642  1 -76.35608 327.3561
Victory     115.125 15.88642  1 -86.73108 316.9811
Confidence level used: 0.95

contrast                 estimate      SE df t.ratio p.value
Marvellous - Golden Rain    2.250 12.8697 20   0.175  0.9695
Victory - Golden Rain      -8.125 12.8697 20  -0.631  0.7482
P value adjustment: dunnettx method for 2 tests

Error in if (abs(diff(r[1:2])) < 5e-04) return(r[1]) : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In qtukey(p, (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * k))/2, df) : production de NaN


  • The model says the response variable is subject to two random variations: those due to blocks, and those due to varieties. The means for each variety include both those sources of variation; but comparisons of those means exclude the block variations because the varieties are compared on the same block.

    You have only six blocks so there are 5 degrees of freedom for estimating the variations of blocks, and that explains the degrees of freedom for the variety means. There are more degrees of freedom for the comparisons, because you do not have to account for the block variations.

    Another matter to consider here is that the support for the nlme package uses a containment method for obtaining degrees of freedom. That essentially involves looking at the worst case scenario for degrees of freedom for each effect. If you instead use the lme4 package and the lmer function to fit the model, lsmeans will use a Satterthwaite or Kendall-Roger method to obtain degrees of freedom, and those results might be somewhat larger. However, the degrees of freedom for the means will still be considerably less than those for the comparisons.

    Addendum: SAS results

    Here is some SAS code with the same data and model:

    proc mixed data = Oats;
      class Variety Block;
      model yield = Variety / ddfm = satterth;
      random Block;
      lsmeans Variety / tdiff;

    ... and the lsmeans results:

                               Least Squares Means
    Effect     Variety     Estimate       Error      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|
    Variety    Golden_R      104.50      7.6809    8.87      13.61      <.0001
    Variety    Marvello      109.79      7.6809    8.87      14.29      <.0001
    Variety    Victory      97.6250      7.6809    8.87      12.71      <.0001
                          Differences of Least Squares Means
    Effect    Variety    _Variety   Estimate      Error     DF   t Value   Pr > |t|
    Variety   Golden_R   Marvello    -5.2917     6.6853     64     -0.79     0.4316
    Variety   Golden_R   Victory      6.8750     6.6853     64      1.03     0.3076
    Variety   Marvello   Victory     12.1667     6.6853     64      1.82     0.0734

    Note that SAS shows 64 df for the comparisons but only 8.87 df for the means themselves, when the Satterthwaite method is used for degrees of freedom.

    If one omits the ddfm option in the model statement, it defaults to the containment method for df, and it lists 64 df in both tables. However, I believe that SAS is incorrect in its implementation of containment; see my earlier post on this topic in CrossValidated: