I have two tables called "wants" and "has_wanted" as shown below:
email id
chris 219
chris 222
email id
chloe 219
chloe 221
chloe 221
chloe 222
chloe 223
chris 219
chris 221
mike 220
mike 221
mike 223
I want to select the item id's which have the email 'chris' that are in either table such that 'mike' in the 'has_wanted' table does not also have the id's. The figure below shows what I am trying to do.
My first attempt was to use a join as desired below:
select o.email, o.id from
select email,id from has_wanted
where email = 'chris'
select email, id from wants
where email = 'chris'
as o
left join has_wanted
on o.id = has_wanted.id
where has_wanted.email = 'mike'
has_wanted.id is null
I expected id#'s {219,222} to be in the result. However, I get zero results. Any suggestions about where I am going wrong? I am using Derby for as my database.
Try using a not in
select o.email, o.id
select email,id
from has_wanted
where email = 'chris'
select email, id
from wants
where email = 'chris'
) as o
Where o.id not in
Select id
from has_wanted
where has_wanted.email = 'mike'