So I have a ng repeat block that passes an object to a angular component. That looks like this
<div ng-repeat="assessor in $ctrl.dedupeDetail.matches">
<assessordedupequickcard assessor="assessor"></assessordedupequickcard>
I thought it might be helpful to add what the component is defined as. Here is that code
.component('assessordedupequickcard', {
controller: 'assessorDedupeQuickcardController',
templateUrl: 'src/app/assessor/dedupe/quickcard/assessor.dedupe.quickcard.html',
bindings: {
assessor: '<',
End Edit
The quickcard takes the various fields in the assessor object such as name, address, phone numbers, age, etc, and displays them cleanly in a small box that is supposed to represent a contact card for that person.
In that quickcard are two labels
<label ng-if="$ctrl.isSource" class="quickcard-list-header pull-right">FROM</label>
<label ng-if="$ctrl.isTarget" class="quickcard-list-header pull-right">TO</label>
In the view where the list of these, "contact cards" is displayed there is a functionality where you can select one card, then select another, and transfer information from one to the other.
When selecting the first
<assessordedupequickcard assessor="assessor"></assessordedupequickcard>
from the ng-repeated list I need to flip a flag that exists within that < assessordedupequickcard > component's scope in its controller and flip isSource = true.
And when selecting the second
<assessordedupequickcard assessor="assessor"></assessordedupequickcard>
from the ng-repeated list, again move one layer deeper into that custom component's controller and flip its isTarget = true.
But I cannot figure out how to isolate which component will have a flag flip. Because they are not individually named they are all treated as one. Any change I make to one of the repeated custom components happens to all of the custom components.
I'm not sure I've explained this well, if there's any more info I can provide please let me know. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide me in regards to this.
Angular components always have isolated scope (components documentation). Now, you just need to implement two-way binding and pass the data object. This makes the controller (that contains repeated components) aware of any data changes occurring within each components distinctly.
Page HTML:
<div ng-controller="SampleCtrl">
<h3>Repeated Components with Isolated Scope: </h3>
<box ng-repeat="data in collection track by $index" data="data"></box>
<h3>Parent Controller:</h3>
<pre>{{collection| json}}</pre>
Page JS:
.controller('SampleCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.collection = [{
name: 'A'
}, {
name: 'B'
}, {
name: 'C'
}, {
name: 'D'
}, {
name: 'E'
Component JS:
.component('box', {
bindings: {
data: '=?'
templateUrl: 'box.html',
controllerAs: 'vm',
controller: function() {
var vm = this;
vm.toggle = function() { = !;
Component HTML:
<div class="box" ng-click="vm.toggle()">