.text:004430FE jz short loc_44311B
.text:00443100 push 30h ; uType
.text:00443102 push offset Athingy; "Hello"
.text:00443107 push offset AnotherThingy; "Works"
.text:0044310C call sub_438090
.text:00443111 add esp, 0Ch
.text:00443114 push 0
.text:00443116 call sub_44C424
.text:0044311B loc_44311B: ; CODE XREF: sub_442C70+48Ej
.text:0044311B mov ecx, 0FAh
.text:00443120 mov esi, offset buf
.text:00443125 lea edi, [ebp+var_3FC]
.text:0044312B rep movsd
.text:0044312D push offset aTest; "test"
.text:00443132 lea eax, [ebp+var_3FC]
.text:00443138 push eax
.text:00443139 call sub_465450
.text:0044313E add esp, 8
If I wanted to change jz (at the top) to jmp and set it go to add esp, 8
. How would I be able to do so?
I know how to patch the program and go to assemble, but what would I type about jmp?
You can look up the opcode for a short jmp in Intel's manuals. I don't have it handy, but if memory serves it's 0xEB.
The formula to use for calculating the jmp offset is (target address - address of jmp instruction - 2). (the 2 is because that's the length of the short jump instruction, including its argument - the CPU adds the offset to what the instruction pointer value is following the jump instruction).