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custom column checkbox formatter using jquery

I have to add checkbox in one of the column (middle column) .. I supposed to make some row non editable checkbox .. All i need to know is how do i implement select all option for the header .. it's not coming up in the grid .. i have already set multiselect:true

columnDisplay = [{"name":"columnId",
                    "label":"Column Id",
                    "type":"string" ,
                   "label":"Column Display Name",
                   "type":"string" ,

                   "editable": true, 
                   "edittype": "checkbox",
                   "editoptions": { value:"Y:N" }, 
                   "formatter": "checkbox", 
                   "formatoptions": { disabled: false}

createjqGrid : function (gridId , column , gridData){
                $("#" + gridId).jqGrid({
                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: gridData,
                        editurl: 'clientArray',
                        colModel: columns,
                        loadonce: false,
                        autowidth: true,
                        shrinkToFit: false,
                        rownumbers: true,
                        multiselect: multiSelect,
                        cellEdit: false,
                        toppager: true,
                        cloneToTop: true,
                        rowNum: 100,
                        viewrecords : true,
                        pager: "#pager" + gridId,
                        viewsortcols: viewSort,
                        cellsubmit: 'clientArray'

Please help!! Thanks in Advance . The Visibility column i must make it has checkbox .. its working for the column but in header i have to add .. enter image description here


  • Found

                           "label":"<input role='checkbox' type='checkbox' id='grid'>Visibility",
                           "editable": true, 
                           "edittype": "checkbox",
                           "editoptions": { value:"Y:N" }, 
                           "formatter": "checkbox", 
                           "formatoptions": { disabled: false}

    we need to set role and type is checkbox .. so header will get checkbox