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Failed to locate library: libGLESv2.dll

I'm having issues getting my IDEA IntelliJ workspace to work with a Gradle script that should setup LWJGL and other libs automatically. The script does setup the workspace and everything compiles without issues. The problem is when running my code I get missing a missing .dll error.

Log of error: build script:

Checking the folder the code outputs the .dll shows the file is missing. The problem is that LWJGL should auto extra .dlls according to the site.

In short, I have no clue what I'm doing and could use help getting LWJGL setup. As well I have googled setup instructions, watched videos, and searched for error help. Everything is either not related or outdated for the current version.


  • Not sure if LWGL 3.1.1 includes libGLESv2.dll and its companion libEGL.dll.

    If they were not provided by LWJGL you can use the PowerVR SDK GLES emulator, which runs on top of your native OpenGL.

    Another option is Google's ANGLE, wich runs on top of DirectX 9 and/or DirectX 11. Angle is lighting fast and runs very well on low end GPUs -I mean notebooks with Intel GPU-. If you are in hurry or would like to skip compiling ANGLE from sources, just go to your Chrome web browser install folder and look for libegl.dll, libglesv2.dll and d3dcompiler_47.dll.

    Once you already choosed your OpenGL ES emulator, put above files in your PATH and/or java.classpath and be happy. In your case, seems the native path is set at org.lwjgl.librarypath and assigned to folder C:\Users\Rober\AppData\Local\Temp\lwjglRober\3.1.1-build-16.