Assume having this code and the diagram I attached..
entity t_trigger is
port (Test, Reset, clk, en : in std_logic;
Q_out: out std_logic);
end t_trigger;
architecture beh_t_trigger of t_trigger is
signal temp: std_logic ;
process (Reset, clk)
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if Reset='1' then
temp <= '0';
elsif en = '1' then
temp <= Test xor temp;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Q_out <= temp;
end beh_t_trigger;
what is the state of Q_out at the end of the sequence? If the first condition is true then we skip the second? What is the initial value of temp? I cant understand what we assign to it since at first none of the "if" conditions is true..
I have created the following image, looks horrible but would hopefully explain the whole process for the answer;
There are 5 clock rising edges to which your logic reacts, and except the first one, you have Reset
value 0
, therefore first you get the Q_out
value as 0
, rest is always the result of temp xor Test signal
for Q_out
, the line I drew there represents the xor operation between those values, however ugly, I hope this was useful :)
The initial value of temp
is U
, as explained here, and up until you get a rising clock edge, you shouldn't worry about its value anyway, the initial out signals of your entity would probably be 0
if it were on a hardware, but on simulation you can assume it only as U
, if you are worried about the out signal before the clock event, you can assign some initial value to it, but will be overwritten after first clock edge obviously.