I need to use the date filter with a format created by another filter. Trying to combine the date
filter with the angular-translate
With a hardcoded format I would have:
{{foo | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}
What I need is to get the date format by another filter.
Something like this:
{{foo | date:$filter('translate')('global.dateFormatNoTime')}}
or eventually this:
{{foo | date:('yyyy-MM-dd' | dateFormat)}}
being default format if the dateFormat
filter not returning anything.
Right now I do this using a scope variable with the second filter applied on it in the controller.
{{foo | date:dateFormat}}
but wondering if can this be done directly in the view without another scope variable.
.filter('myCustomerFilter', function ($filter) {
return function (date) {
var dateFormat = $filter('translate')('global.dateFormatNoTime');
return $filter('date')(date, dateFormat);
And you can use this custom filter in your view.
{{foo | myCustomerFilter}}
Or if you want to pass the translate parameter into your filter you can define your custom filter like the below,
.filter('myCustomerFilter', function ($filter) {
return function (input, date, translateOption) {
var dateFormat = $filter('translate')(translateOption);
return $filter('date')(dateFormat);
And in your view you can pass the translate parameter into your custom filter.
{{foo | myCustomerFilter : 'global.dateFormatNoTime'}}