I am using Java to run balls around a box. By using this piece of code it bounces off the edges.
if (y >= borderBottom)
y = border;
speedOfY = -speedofY;
I have a hole in the box of balls. If the ball hits the hole I would like it to continue through the gap.
I want the if statement to run until:
it's between two points on x (the hole)
and at the border bottom on the y axis (the side of the hole).
How can I make this happen? I know I need to use simulation.pauseSimulation() but I don't know how to get the balls to stop specifically when it's between the two points and when it's at the border bottom, thanks!
I have tried using the previous statement with this afterwards,
if(y >= borderBottom && (x < 275) && (x > 325>))
but I have played around and the simulation has ignored the whole bottom border and at one point all the objects flashed.
First of all, you need to know the bottom and top coordinates of the hole. Afterwards, you can simply write:
if ( y >= borderBottom || ( y < holeBottom && y > holeTop ) ) {
//You can pause simulation or do anything you prefer