I have a problem: I want to create a small game, I have to make a window like the following:
When I tried to change the font size of "Fun With Words", it wasn't changed ...
What should I do?
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class GameWords extends JFrame
private static int W = 800 ;
private static int H = 600 ;
public GameWords ()
setTitle ( " Word Order Game " ) ;
setSize ( H , W ) ;
setLayout ( new FlowLayout() ) ;
setDefaultCloseOperation ( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ;
createContent () ;
setVisible ( true ) ;
public void createContent ()
JLabel heading = new JLabel (" Fun With Words ") ;
heading.setFont ( heading.getFont().deriveFont ( 26f ) );
heading.setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( H , 4 * W ) ) ;
JLabel h1 = new JLabel ( " Hey Kids! Want to prictice your typing and word-ordering Skills ? \n" ) ;
add ( heading ) ;
add ( h1 ) ;
public static void main(String[] args)
new GameWords () ;
The short answer is don't, the API is quite capable of calculating the desired size it self.
The longer answers is, don't use setSize
, use pack
instead, which uses the containers preferred size to calculate the size of the window
public GameWords ()
setTitle ( " Word Order Game " ) ;
setLayout ( new FlowLayout() ) ;
setDefaultCloseOperation ( EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ;
createContent () ;
setVisible ( true ) ;
public void createContent ()
JLabel heading = new JLabel (" Fun With Words ") ;
heading.setFont ( heading.getFont().deriveFont ( 26f ) );
JLabel h1 = new JLabel ( " Hey Kids! Want to prictice your typing and word-ordering Skills ? \n" ) ;
add ( heading ) ;
add ( h1 ) ;
As a general recommendation, you shouldn't extend directly from a JFrame
, you're not adding any new functionality to the class and you're locking yourself into a single use case. As a general recommendation, you should start by extending from JPanel
and then add this to whatever container you want to use