this problem look easy yet unsolved by me.
i have javascript code like this to stores data for one session :
function colorRed() {
document.getElementById("dashboard").style.backgroundColor = "#D64541";
document.getElementById("picked").style.backgroundColor = "#D64541";
document.getElementById("logout").style.color = "#D64541";
sessionStorage.setItem('colRed', "#D64541");
function colorGreen() {
document.getElementById("dashboard").style.backgroundColor = "#2ECC71";
document.getElementById("picked").style.backgroundColor = "#2ECC71";
document.getElementById("logout").style.color = "#2ECC71";
sessionStorage.setItem('colGreen', "#2ECC71");
function colorBlue() {
document.getElementById("dashboard").style.backgroundColor = "#6BB9F0";
document.getElementById("picked").style.backgroundColor = "#6BB9F0";
document.getElementById("logout").style.color = "#6BB9F0";
sessionStorage.setItem('colBlue', "#6BB9F0");
Those function will change the background
and font
color by button. And thats work perfectly what i want, but.. The problem is when i try to refresh the page, the color change back to default color i use in css
This is the html
code :
<div id="dashboard" class="dashboard">
<img src="assets/img/svg/029-crown.svg" class="rank"/>
<h2><?php echo $userRow['username']; ?></h2>
<a id="logout" href="logout" class="logout">Logout</a>
<div id="picked" class="color">
<div id="choose" class="color-container">
<div id="red" onclick="colorRed()" class="red color-pick"></div>
<div id="green" onclick="colorGreen()" class="green color-pick"></div>
<div id="blue" onclick="colorBlue()" class="blue color-pick"></div>
Question is :
1. Why sessionStorage
not working
2. Does css transition
affected to sessionStorage
? Why am i asking this, because before i'm using css transition
the sessionStorage
work perfectly.
I would use one function to set all colors, and pass a color variable to it. To initiate a color, you need to get the color value you stored in the sessionStorage and set the background color before the page loads. E.g.
// Generic function to set background color
function setColor(color) {
document.getElementById("dashboard").style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById("picked").style.backgroundColor = color;
document.getElementById("logout").style.color = color;
sessionStorage.setItem('bgColor', color);
// Set color to initial color if it exists
var storedColor = sessionStorage.getItem('bgColor');
if (storedColor != undefined) setColor(storedColor);
And then, change your button function calls to something like:
<div id="red" onclick="setColor('#D64541')" class="red color-pick"></div>
<div id="green" onclick="setColor('#2ECC71')" class="green color-pick"></div>
<div id="blue" onclick="setColor('#6BB9F0')" class="blue color-pick"></div>