I am trying to transfer file ownership to a particular email address.
I send this request first:
var body = {
'emailAddress': value,
'type': type,
'role': "writer"
var request = gapi.client.drive.permissions.create({
'fileId': fileId,
'transferOwnership': false,
'resource': body
request.execute(function(resp) {
This will create a permission writer for that email address.
After that, inside the request.execute()
I send the second request:
var request2 = gapi.client.drive.permissions.list({
'fileId': fileId
body.role = role;
request2.execute(function(resp2) {
var request3 = gapi.client.drive.permissions.update({
'fileId': fileId,
'permissionId': resp2.permissions[1].id, //permission id of writer
'transferOwnership': true,
'resource': {'role':role, 'emailAddress': value}
request3.execute(function(resp3) {
In the above request, I used permissions.list
to get the file permission id.
Then I used the permission id to update permissions. I used permissions.update request for transferOwnership. The problem I encountered here is "The user does not have sufficient permissions for this file."
What I am trying to do here is transfer the file ownership to an emailaddress. What is wrong with my code? How can I transfer file ownership?
You need to think about the old and new owners of the file. Unless they are in the same Google Accounts domain, (eg. foo@example.com as opposed to foo@gmail.com) you can't transfer ownership. Although it might sound inconvenient, there would be a clear security problem if this were to be allowed.
If they are in the same domain, confirm that you have a scope with sufficient privilege.