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How to show default message in extJS tagfield

I want to place one default message just below to my tagfield.

My code : -

          xtype: 'tagfield',
          fieldLabel: 'Select a Show',
          store: shows,
          displayField: 'show',
          valueField: 'id',
          queryMode: 'local',
          filterPickList: true

I want Some tag ex : "Hello" in that particular box

enter image description here

I was think to use a panel and inside two items like this,

    xtype : 'panel',
    items :[{
        xtype : 'tagfield',
        HTML : "mYtEXT"

but that is required lots OF CSS and too much work for play around.

Is There any other way by which I can achieve this.


  • There's afterBodyEl config in the tagfield.

    afterBodyEl: 'This is description'